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Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

Educating Needy College Students

Educating Needy College Students - The college enrollment rates up, as students graduate African high schools. However, financing college education a cheap exercise, say, financing free primary secondary education. Because lack clear financing mechanism continent’s promising needy students, colleges devise strategies educate lot. As already, dozen bright high school students full scholarships prestigious universities US, Europe, wealthy Asian countries. However, African governments hope brightest students trained abroad.

Increasingly, universities, private ones, offering ways enable needy students finance higher education. Through merit based scholarships, universities attract the
best brightest students countries regions. At Ashesi University Ghana example, roughly students receive form financial aid. The aid money raised private industry, donors, founder’s connections. The founder, Patrick Awuah, Microsoft engineer, bring partners board, way, students benefit Ashesi’s vision creating liberal Arts education focused creativity entrepreneurship.

However, universities continent Ashesi’s, even, Patrick Awuah’s connections. The powerful source donations alumni. The independence universities; Makerere, Ibadan, University Yaoundé, doubt large segment alumni risen occupy important places government, industry, civil society. There reason alumni raise money needy students colleges.

However, potentially, largest source funding needy students endowment funds. Few universities South Africa sort endowment funds. By universities cash rich; universities shield erratic funding government. We African governments place funding Africa’s higher education sector. In deed, large scale research projects undertaken government money. However, large, universities aspire global, acclaim mission vision statements, raising money center vision. Otherwise, ambitious universities be, dreams global.

Educating Needy College Students Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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