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Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Educate Masses, Lessons Islamic History

Educate Masses, Lessons Islamic History - A deeper study of history nations reveals effective factor rise a nation education. The capability acquire knowledge elevates status human beings creatures. The creator universe taught Adam (AA-Aali Assalaman: Peace Be Upon Him) knowledge creation advised angles prostrate token submission. This secret superiority human race. Every human realize capable harness universal powers conquer forces nature educates himself.

The source unlimited knowledge Allah. There channels knowledge Him. Direct knowledge messages termed knowledge Book (Kitab). And wisdom (Hikmah) shows gain knowledge universe.

The knowledge book categorized religious science knowledge gained wisdom research natural science. The religious science answers fundamental questions purpose life,the beginning universe teaches morals. Through natural sciences learn systems universe working facilitate life earth.

The educators human prophets taught skills successful eternal life. The them, Prophet Muhammad (SA-Sallaho Alaihe Wassalam: Peace Blessing Allah Be Upon Him) started teaching verses Quran revealed him. The school Islam established house companion, Arkam (RA- Radi Alah Ho Anho: May Allah pleased him) hill Safa Makkah early stages relevations.

The process education continued Muslim migrated Madina Islamic state established there. Here residential school established platform (Sufa) Masjid-e-Nabvi.

The scholars Islam educated here. They pioneers spreading Islam. Once Holy Prophet (SA) enters Masjid observes groups. One busy praying supplications engaged scholarly discussions. He (SA) joins group. It clear practical proof Islam encourages seeking knowledge discussions arguments. The Holy Prophet (SA) deputed non- Muslim prisoners battle Badr teach reading writing skills Muslims. A prisoner released successfully taught ten persons. Since mission Prophet (SA) propagate word Allah, means accomplish mission. The skills reading writing record, preserve spread knowledge. He (SA) encouraged companion gain knowledge travel place China. These instructions encouraged Muslims gather knowledge natural sciences religious science.

In Holy Prophet (SA) declared acquiring knowledge obligatory Muslim man woman. This commandment broke barriers allowed access knowledge privileged groups denied access fortunate including woman. Because emphasis seeking knowledge, early Muslims acquire kind knowledge religiously. It common faith common language helped spread Islam world caliphate Omar (RA). Under instructions, Maktib established Masjid. Here reading writing taught Islamic education. Maktab Arabic word place writing. It modern day office. Word Like (Kitab) Book Maktaba (Library) root.Sooner institutions established Islamic world brought educational revolution. During period Khalifa Omar (RA), memorization Sura Al-Baqra, Nisa, Al-Maid Al-Hajj encouraged recited prayers. In chapters Quran, basis Islamic laws explained. The long recitations morning evening prayers Masjid heavenly lectures  of All- Knower delivered Imam (Leader) listened students full attention. The Masjid Maktab system financed government individuals. Every Muslim gain perpetual reward building Masjid Maktab. It institutions literacy rate Muslim areas Spain raised percent short period time time remaining Europe dark ages.

In accordance Quranic principle,Muslims allowed eat whatsoever like, gain knowledge kind limits set Quran crossed. This concept opened minds accept knowledge creations Creator. This freedom inspired Muslims travel places collected knowledge beneficial humanity. This knowledge inslamized taught Maktab schools Masjid. At initial stage discrimination religious sciences natural sciences.Both taught Masjid. Arithmetic calculations zakat, inheritance conduct business. The knowledge geography required determination direction Makkah.

Children genders admitted early age. Education free all. Various subjects taught study circles called Halqas. The central Masjid Cairo study circles. The teacher sit chair term "Chairman" developed today. Research "Chair" modern day universities Muslim root.

The teachers appointed Caliph (Khalifa) committee Scholars. A student learned reading writing skills specialize subject interest. He learn science Tafseer (Explanation Quran), Science Hadith (Sayings Prophet (SA)), Islamic Law, Fiqah, Language, Astronomy, Mathematics etc.

The successful students Maktab schools entered Madrassa attached Masjid. Word Madrassa derived Arabic word "Dars" meaning lecture. Hence lectures specialized subjects delivered renowned professors madrassas. These madrassas equivalent collages modern age. As attached Masjid, supported system Islamic Trust (Waqf). The Arabic language played vital role transferring knowledge artisans. Muslims classified knowledge defined pure applied sciences. As knowledge engineering based mathematical science, called "Hindsa". The medical knowledge wisdom called "Hikma". The basic technical knowledge skills taught professionals relevant fields. The degree awarded professors.

In 1066 AD, Nizam-ul-Mulk, minister caliphate founded Nizamia system educational institutions popular Muslim world survived millennium. Great imam Ghazzali professor institutions.

In 1231 AD, medical college established Damascus.In 15th century AD, huge complexes consisting Masjid Maktab, Madrassa, hospital, public kitchen dining hall common sight Muslim world. Such complex called Kulliya (College). These institutions revolutionized higher education. As recorded great Muslim traveller, Ibn Batuta, education free food medical facilities institutions. The talented youth walks life equal chance education. The Fatieh college Istanbul institution. It 16 schools teaching science technology.

Along traditional institutions, Muslims pioneered innovative concept learning. The Bait-ul-Hikma (House Wisdom) concepts. Caliph Haroon Rasheed invited renowned scholars Muslim world facilitated perform research work intellectual environment. The Muslim scholars translated contemporary knowledge Greece, China, Persia, India Egypt Arabic. Al Kindi, Yuana Ibn Al Batrique Al Tarjaman Hunain Ibn Ishaq great translators time. In fact Islamized knowledge Arabic started era scientific discoveries Muslim world. Bait Al Hikma greatest scientific institution time. A huge library established there. Caliph Al Mansoor asked Cesar Rome scientific works Greek scientists stored Roman Empire banned Christian world.

Khalifa Haroon Al Rasheed wrote letter King Sicily demanding books kingdom. The king honoured Khalifa copies books. Khalifa Al Mansoor brought 100 camels loaded books Iran. The Muslim scholars translators Emperor Byzantine Empire translate rare books custody. Beside Bait Al Hikma, Khalifa Mansoor constructed great observatory. This modern scientific research centre age. Of course, golden age Islam, Muslims thousand years time compared rest world. Khalifa Al Mamun established 332 institutes scientific studies Khilafa. These institutes produced greatest scientists Al Khawarzimi: father Algebra, Banu Musa brothers: renowned mechanical engineers, Al Kindi: inventor Saeed Ibn Haroon Al Katib: writer. These scientists paved modern scientific revolution.

Educate Masses, Lessons Islamic History Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anonim

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