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Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

How To The Devaluation of a College Education

The Devaluation of a College Education
Being told Americans live in "Land Free" ring hollow accept fact US owes foreign debt China, looked epitome freedom. China stands Americans told bad: dictatorship, censorship, communism, horrible human rights record, anti-religion etc. Yet country supposed "freedom" highly indebted to.

Seeing American government acted irresponsibly decades hopes economic gain present moment worrying consequences later, surprising American citizens acted similarly personal debt. The banking system turned a Chinese style dictatorship, smiles outside, "bargain" hunt destroy mercy. Governmental borrowing billions dollars order build military equipment fight hopeless wars equivalent citizens borrowing hundreds thousands dollars houses/cars/TVs etc. turn equally hopeless pay back.

Now Americans bogged college debt supposed higher education high price thrust throats childhood, making high cost turn high returns. This true decades ago, colleges universities turned huge businesses draw students crippling debt order start American Dream. Working hard anymore. The US increasingly run monopolistic corporations lobby government basically want. It continued corruption arrogance Wall Street, reason learn sort lesson 2008 major players risky investments etc.

Many people starting cast critical glance propaganda college education equating bright prosperous future. The fact State colleges raise tuition yearly finally disillusioning young people. Shiny auditoriums, stadiums, gourmet cafeteria food great prospective students parents fall tricks colleges woo students. However, 4 5 years tens hundreds thousands dollars debt prospect jobs desired fields underemployed bursts bubbles graduates parents alike. Students straight college faced huge debts stress job order start digging deepening hole. What total devaluation college diploma? A BA high school diploma: one. As colleges vie students money, actual quality education down. It school's interest send students (ie. money) due bad grades schools lose money. Instead, "well meaning" counselors urge students longer finish degrees, move graduate programs undergraduate results poor. It longer developing educated professionals. It churning cash students good investment.

Once students realize diplomas virtually useless pieces paper, gourmet cafeterias, state art gyms, stadiums cool anymore. Let's forget students supposed leading country future increasing competition global economy. Despite churning hundreds thousands fresh graduates year, US companies hire workers places India Russia China qualified technical positions IT engineering, example. University educations countries. Many countries free university education, meaning students pass rigorous tests order accepted, assuring earn degree. That people foreign countries US, education levels high, earning potential countries US. The US high paying jobs highly skilled workers, students coming US colleges universities cut anymore. America faced brain drain, complete brain death. The majority US college students basically paying for degree, schools care learned not. Even students oftentimes foreign countries, work ethic stronger. US students lazy due unchallenging atmosphere classroom. It easy coast trough college long college money students.

Now find hundreds thousands college graduates supposedly higher educations either unemployed underemployed, busing tables restaurants folding clothes department stores. Sure, colleges universities making killing students, slow suicide students finish "education" receive worthless piece paper prospects future decades debt slavery. It United States suffer future whole. A country technological educational super power world slowly relegated rate also ran, greed selfishness educational system.

oring move visiting weekend. Note students average 6.03 email contacts weekly parents. Email increased stressful periods, women email men.( (Note male suicide 3X frequent female suicide)
Never ignore child feels problem. A relationship breakup minor layered stresses straw breaks camels back.
There huge variance expectation University/College life reality. Have early conversation expect ongoing conversations reality student life. This include load planning potential failure assignments exams recovery failure.
Realize year training trial experience expectation 100% success. Open doors discussion poor grades creates open valve pressure escape.
Remind child options. Whether options streams alternative courses action University/College environment, discussion preference. These include travel, temporary work terms plan return school possibly semester delay spent home working things.
Encourage complete year stumble. For students, easier. An informal discussion group revealed 8 12 students considered quitting 1 12 returned home semester. At close year 8 considered quitting groove fine.
Visit child periodically experience world. Roam places he/she roams..the classrooms, gym, sporting venues, restaurants residence. It great feel lifestyle conversation ongoing.
Remind student alcohol lack sleep contribute poor performance, mood swings inability cope.
Send care packages small surprises child world supporting him/her. These enjoyed home...cookies, bubble bath, kraft dinner...send remind him/her home.
Stay touch school results judging condemning. Just discuss real results he/she pretend discuss happening.
If student chose attend school friends attending, discuss element loneliness temporary nature it. Encourage child commit participate orientation groups, associations sports form bonds naturally. Encourage reach classroom teams create class plans build early relationships.
Most send love support 'package' can. Expect reciprocation participating. The reality reciprocate need, remember independence strong time. Making happen important. But can. The majority year degree support role lessens he/she progresses years. It easy pressure succeed now. Most people find path suits eventually. Some stumble finish line.

How To The Devaluation of a College Education Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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